Linear Text

Linear Text

In today's society, the digital world is drastically changing everything. Instead of using boring pencil and paper to write, now I can use the internet to express myself in any sort of way. Writing is more flexible now, easy to control, and much faster. I am able to add pictures, videos and all sorts of things that helps explain or express what I have to say. That is called form and content. Form is the way I want my web page to look, as in the colors, font size, and graphics. Content is the text within my web page and everything that I am presenting. Almost everything is done over the internet. For example job applications, shopping, research, and much more. Now as time moves forward technology is advancing and we have to rethink our lives.

Education now is becoming digital, there are college courses online, high school classes, exams, and the list goes on. Communication has become more flexible as well. People can now video chat and instant message. Also social networking sites such as facebook and twitter. Email's are used by everyone from students to teachers to coworkers. A fast way to send important messages, pictures and documents.

We are the internet. We, the people, control what goes on to these websites and how we want our work represented. In a video we viewed in class, it depicts the transformation of text and writing. From pencil to keypad. It is said that we are being control by everything on the internet, but we are the ones posting and making these web pages, so who is really in control?

Search engines such as GOOGLE and BING are used everyday by people like me. I use google to search for about anything - clothing store websites, homework, vocabulary and so on. These search engines gives us links to a variety of different websites making our digital experience convenient and easy to find exactly what we are looking for.

In conclusion, we now must rethink our lives because the digital world around us is changing for the better. Instant messaging, social networking, and emails are becoming a very big part of society in order for news to get around and for everyone to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world. We control the internet, it does not control us.
© Maria Barrera 2011